Monday, September 28, 2009

The dangers from natural gas drilling to our water

Pennsylvania is on the march to opening up all of the Marcellus Shale for natural gas drilling. To learn more about the Marcellus Shale go here and here. I've been taking a bit of time to look into this because I'm concerned about what it might do to the water in our rural communities. I worry about what can happen to watersheds and then the people that drink from them, the agriculture that depends on those watersheds, and the wild ecosystems.

Here's a piece to really worry you from Water Under Attack.

WYOMING! from JOSHFOX on Vimeo.

I am worried about these things: destroyed water wells for the narrow profits of natural gas companies. As one of the ranchers says in the video, "It's amazing that what took Mother Nature millions of years to build can be destroyed in a few hours with a piece of heavy machinery."

1 comment:

  1. Peter- I heard an episode of the Diane Rehm show recently dealing with this very issue (and including the input of a Penn State professor). Very interesting, at times reassuring and at times worrying. You can listen online at .
